Skills of observation, experimentation, replication, and communication applied to both art and science, making George W. Carver as comfortable in the sciences as in the arts.

Stories of
Walk alongside our country’s most famous innovators as they face great uncertainties and uncover lasting discoveries. Listen as our curators make connections between seemingly unrelated objects from The Henry Ford Archive of American Innovation™ and arrive at new meanings. Learn about innovation from America’s greatest makers, thinkers, and doers.

From aviation to agriculture, industrial design to information technology, civil rights to social justice, America’s greatest innovators ask big “What If” questions—and answer them in even bigger ways.

From millions of artifacts in The Henry Ford’s collections, our experts choose three and reveal the surprisingly curious connections between them.
Visionaries on Innovation
The Henry Ford is dedicated to advancing a culture of innovation. One way we’re doing that is through our collection of interviews and first-person essays from today’s visionaries.