The Henry Ford
Copyright Policy
This web page provides information about ownership of copyright in content at thehenryford.org and the following additional sites: inhub.thehenryford.org, giving.thehenryford.org, theinnovationproject.org (“Site”), permission for the public to use certain still images, text, video, and sound files at the Site (“Content”), and the process for copyright owners to notify The Henry Ford if they believe the Site improperly posts Content that infringes their copyright. This Copyright Policy is intended to further the Mission of The Henry Ford.
Mission of The Henry Ford
The Henry Ford provides unique educational experiences based on authentic objects, stories, and lives from America's traditions of ingenuity, resourcefulness and innovation. Our purpose is to inspire people to learn from these traditions to help shape a better future.
Use of Content Not Under Copyright: Public Domain.
In some cases, Content may not be subject to copyright ownership, either because it is in the public domain or because it is a work of the United States government. If you use Content from the Site that is in the public domain, we would appreciate receiving credit as the source of the Content, so long as you have not modified the Content. For example, if you use an image in a publication or presentation, please use the credit line “From the collections of The Henry Ford, Dearborn, Michigan.”
Some Content contains trademarks, illustrations, recognizable faces, and other elements that may raise issues other than copyright. Third parties may own rights in Content even where the copyright is in the public domain. It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of such Content is lawful and in accordance with those other rights.
Use of Content Under Copyright: Ownership By Third Parties
Content posted by The Henry Ford to the Site may be subject to copyright ownership by third parties who have made their Content available to The Henry Ford. Posting Content to the Site is not an automatic grant of permission for visitors to the Site to copy, adapt, distribute, or otherwise use Content. Unless permission to use third party Content is expressly stated in connection with such Content, this policy does not grant visitors any permission to use such Content.
Use of Content Under Copyright: Ownership By The Henry Ford.
The Henry Ford authorizes visitors to make personal, non-commercial uses of Content in which The Henry Ford owns copyright. Specifically, for Content in which copyright is owned by The Henry Ford and is not subject to the rights of any other party (for example, trademarks and rights of publicity), The Henry Ford authorizes its visitors to reproduce copies for their own personal study, research, education, viewing, and personal enjoyment, such as through sharing in a nonpublic setting.
Such personal use does not involve sales and/or public dissemination of copies of the Content (including distribution of copies, public performance, public display, and digital transmission). In some cases, uses are protected by copyright fair use and nothing in this Copyright Policy is intended to limit the right of fair use set forth in the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §§ 101, 107.
There is a lot of Content posted to our Site, and it is updated regularly. We are not able to tag each piece of Content with information as to its copyright status, nor are we necessarily able to answer questions from our community about each piece of Content. Thus, someone who desires to use Content must be responsible for determining whether such Content is subject to the rights of The Henry Ford and of third parties, and whether the proposed use is consistent with those rights.
Digital Millenium Copyright Act: Designated Copyright Agent
If you own copyright in Content and you believe that Content is posted to the Site in violation of your copyright, you can notify The Henry Ford by complying with its DMCA process here:
In Furtherance of Our Mission
We want to hear from our community to correct, clarify, or augment historical information that we post in connection with the Content. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at: research.center@thehenryford.org.
We hope you find this information helpful, and appreciate your interest in our collections.
Last updated November 9, 2023