Nearly Gone
Artifacts from this Connect 3
Noah Webster Home
Date Made
Noah Webster and his wife Rebecca had this comfortable New Haven, Connecticut, home built in their later years to be near family and friends, as well as the library at nearby Yale College. While living in this house, Webster published his famous American Dictionary of the English Language in 1828. His dictionary aimed to capture distinctively American words and spellings for the first time.
Place of Creation
Object ID
From the Collections of The Henry Ford.
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Noah Webster Home
What is The Henry Ford?
The national attraction for discovering your ingenuity while exploring America’s spirit of innovation. There is always much to see and do at The Henry Ford.
Susquehanna Plantation
Date Made
circa 1835
Henry Carroll owned this Maryland house on the Patuxent River in the decades before and after the Civil War. Its form -- one room deep with porches -- invited cooling breezes in the warm, humid climate. In 1860, the Carrolls raised tobacco and wheat on their 700-acre plantation. Seventy-five enslaved African Americans provided the skill and labor that supported the Carroll family's comfortable life.
Place of Creation
Object ID
From the Collections of The Henry Ford.
Get more details in Digital Collections at:
Susquehanna Plantation
What is The Henry Ford?
The national attraction for discovering your ingenuity while exploring America’s spirit of innovation. There is always much to see and do at The Henry Ford.
Menlo Park Laboratory
Date Made
When Edison moved to Menlo Park, New Jersey, in spring of 1876 the laboratory building contained his entire operation -- a handful of collaborators, office, library, and machine shop as well as laboratory. As the scale of Edison's investigations grew so did the complex, but this building -- dedicated to experimental activities -- was always understood to be the heart of the enterprise.
Place of Creation
Object ID
From the Collections of The Henry Ford.
Get more details in Digital Collections at:
Menlo Park Laboratory
What is The Henry Ford?
The national attraction for discovering your ingenuity while exploring America’s spirit of innovation. There is always much to see and do at The Henry Ford.